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Concierge Therapist Search

We make finding the right therapist easy and convenient.

No hassle. No stress. No more wasting time and money searching for the right therapist. Whether you want to use your insurance to help with the cost of treatment, find a therapist who specializes in your particular area of concern, or any other unique specification, we are here to take your list of needs and do all the legwork to find you the RIGHT provider.

What brought you here may be one of life’s many stressors. It may be general depression or anxiety. Or it may be a need to talk it out with someone who is qualified to offer real help. Whatever the reason, we’re glad you’re here.  

Just click the Find My Therapist button now and let us take the guesswork, hassle, and anxiety out of getting help.

Concierge Therapist Search

Price: $299

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Confirmation Email

As soon as you checkout, you'll get an email from us with some questions about your ideal therapist. You can send the information to us by email or use the link to schedule a call with a member of our team so we can go over them with you. Tell us exactly what you want from a therapist, whatever it might be. Using your insurance? Do you have a gender preference? Do you need a therapist who can prescribe? And any other preferences...

How it works

Leaf's service takes the time and guesswork out of finding a therapist. We work solely on your behalf and are not compensated by insurance carriers. Please note, you will pay your therapist separately for their time based on their fee schedule and any insurance coverage you use. Therapist session costs are independent of Leaf's service fee.

confirm availability

Once we confirm availability, we'll put you in contact with the therapist to give him or her your personal details and complete scheduling.

Finding You a Therapist

We get to work finding you a therapist who matches your criteria and is a good fit for YOU, saving you the time, frustration and expense of searching through a sea of confusing options.

-------------------Featured in Authority Magazine
Leaf is a teletherapy company that connects industry leading therapists with patients looking for their help. The pandemic that began in 2020 has created a surge in need for online mental healthcare services and Leaf continues to grow to support that demand.
-------------------Great Service
I am very thankful and excited that this option finally exists! Having a son who suffers from social anxiety and depression, this couldn’t have come at a better time!
-------------------Featured in Authority Magazine
I spent thousands on a nanny service to get fast and reliable childcare. Leaf helped me find a therapist for a fraction of the cost. Thank you!


If you aren’t satisfied with your therapist, we’ll refund the fee for 30 days.

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